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Why smart home lights are worth buying?

Time:  2023-02-16    Author:        Look:  396

  Smart lights are the perfect introduction to the wonderful world of smart home technology. They are simple to set up and easy to use, while making your home more efficient and fun. Plus, they're not too expensive.

  If you don't want a full-fledged smart home, smart lights are a good introduction to how technology can improve your quality of life. There are many different types of smart lights, so you have to choose between traditional bulbs, smart switches, ambient light strings, and so on. Most people go the smart home lights route, but you'll be happy no matter what kind of smart lights you buy.

  Save electricity

  Most smart home lights use LED technology, which means they are more energy efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs and compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs. Of course, you can just buy plain old LED bulbs, and you can still save energy and invest in more durable bulbs. However, choosing smart home lights over regular bulbs allows you to dim the lights and use only as much as you need instead of always turning them on to full light.

  In addition, you can usually monitor your bulbs' energy usage in real time in the companion app for smart home lights. You can see where you're spending unnecessary effort (and money) and adjust accordingly.

  Setting a regular schedule for your lights will also help you reduce excessive energy use. Then, there are smart lights with motion sensors that automatically turn on when you enter the room and turn off when no movement is detected for a certain amount of time.

  If you don't want to replace all the light bulbs in your home, consider investing in smart switches. While this route requires you to get your hands dirty with the wires, it's a fairly straightforward process. After connecting the smart switch to the existing wires and neutral wires, you can control all the lights connected to the switch as you would smart home lights.

  Control your lighting from anywhere

  As I mentioned, most smart lights come with a companion app that lets you control them from your smartphone. Many smart lights can even be controlled by commands from a voice assistant. This feature is useful when you are at home and on vacation.

  If you're at home, the ability to control the lights from your phone comes in handy in a variety of situations. Maybe you're just sitting down to watch a movie, and you have a cat in your lap, so you can't move. Or, you're just lying in bed and realize you accidentally left the light on in the living room. Bonus: If your smart lights can be controlled by voice commands, you don't even need a smartphone to control the lights.

  Smart lights will definitely make your home more convenient when you're at home, but they can also protect your home when you're away on vacation. After all, what does a burglar look for? Your mail and packages, the cars in the driveway, and the schedule of lights inside and outside your home.

  Now, by no means am I saying that if you plan to use smart lights on vacation, then your home is safe. It can still be stolen, but you can give yourself more peace of mind with a regular or random schedule of interior and exterior lights. For better security while on vacation, be sure to invest in a good security system that allows you to monitor your home from a distance.

  Smart lights are fun and entertaining

  While investing in smart lights may be practical, it's also fun to integrate smart lights into your home. Sure, it's convenient to turn off the lights in any room or control them from a distance, but you can also use smart lights in super fun ways.

  Many smart lights come with chromatography that you can manipulate through its companion app. With some smart lights, you may only be able to alternate between white and yellow. However, most smart lights allow you to try the entire spectrum.

  This means you can change colors to match your decorations, your mood, or even the upcoming vacation. Plus, you can always sync your smart lights with your music to create memorable and very cool party tricks.

  Although smart home lights are a top choice for people just starting out with smart lights, there are plenty of other options. You can buy smart switches for your entire home, smart LED light strips for the bottom of your kitchen cabinet, or environmental backlights for your TV. You can buy smart floodlights for the exterior of your home, or even smart lights in unique shapes.

  Where is smart home lights?

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