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The solar light bulb suddenly went out What caused it

Time:  2023-05-30    Author:        Look:  328

Causes of the sudden failure of a solar light bulb include bulb damage, battery damage, inverted battery positives and negatives, circuit disconnection, and loose wires.

bulb failure: A solar light bulb that does not illuminate, flicker, or light may be the cause of the bulb, which may be naturally damaged or artificially damaged.

Battery damage: under normal circumstances, if the battery is not overloaded, use a universal tester to test the voltage, usually the voltage is 12V, generally not more than 12V, more than 12V is charging the battery, if less than 12V can not be charged, you can judge whether the solar energy is working under the battery voltage, working time is sufficient, whether the solar energy on.

A solar light bulb lights up when it is first installed, then goes out and never lights up again. In this case, the positive and negative sides of the solar light bulb are likely to be reversed.

Line disconnection: Finally, you are advised to check whether the line is disconnected.

Loose wire: Check whether the connector is loose or worn.

How to choose solar light bulb

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